Archive for the
‘unherd’ Category
Raising campaign awareness was the goal of this creative project for Prostate Cancer Canada. The video was used across their social media platforms to help raise funds through the raffle for important research. It is one example of how video can be an easy and effective way of reaching thousands of people with your message. […]
The road to creating a digital strategy in a continuously shifting landscape is challenging. We must continue to evolve and learn with the growing digital marketing industry. With so many options for business solutions in the realm of digital marketing, it can be difficult to separate quality from quantity. The creative process in developing a […]
Nikola Tesla Describes the Modern Smartphone — in 1926 Over a year ago by Big Think Editors Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a pioneer scientist during the turn of the 20th century best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Tesla was a physicist, mechanical and electric engineer, inventor and futurist, as well […]
“As a boy growing up in Brantford, Ont., I knew that anyone could make it in Canada just by believing in themselves. I tied up my skates every day and practised relentlessly.” Wayne Gretzky WAYNE GRETZKY Contributed to The Globe and Mail Published Thursday, Mar. 10, 2016 6:00AM EST Last updated Thursday, Mar. 10, 2016 […]
Become An Intellectual Middleman The most creative people combine old ideas in new ways. Here’s how to get better at mixing things up. In Charles Duhigg’s new book on productivity, Smarter Faster Better, he devotes a chapter to how innovation happens. The answer? Generally not as lightning out of the blue. One analysis of scientific […]
By NPR STAFF • APR 5, 2016 DANIEL FISHEL FOR NPR Originally published on April 5, 2016 10:34 am Before she was a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, Angela Duckworth was a middle school math teacher. As a rookie teacher, she was surprised when she calculated grades. Some of her sharpest students weren’t doing […]
FEBRUARY 11, 2016 BY MARIA KONNIKOVA Perception is key to resilience: Do you conceptualize an event as traumatic, or as a chance to learn and grow? CREDIT ILLUSTRATION BY GIZEM VURAL Norman Garmezy, a developmental psychologist and clinician at the University of Minnesota, met thousands of children in his four decades of research. But one boy […]
by Olivia Rotenberg published in Career Talkon February 10, 2016 Philosophers argue that beauty is essential to life itself, a value so dear to humans that it can overcome evils. But what if I told you that by going about your daily routines, you’re greatly diminishing your chance to harness the power of beauty? What […]